Hospital discharge

It is important to plan for your discharge as part of your hospital admission to allow you to easily transition from your hospital stay to home.

Planning your hospital discharge

The planning begins as soon as you check in to reception upon your arrival at our hospital. Discussing your hospital discharge at this early point ensures that we start addressing your needs to ensure they are met not only during your stay with us, but also afterwards when you head home.  

We encourage you to keep the discussion on any concerns or issues you may have throughout your stay at our hospital with your treating psychiatrist or any member of your treating team.  

Assistance for your hospital discharge

We encourage you to seek assistance from your personal support network where possible to help you plan your discharge. 

These people could include:

  • You, your family or carer can alert us if you may need additional support
  • Your treating Psychiatrist can discuss options for acute community services, or day therapy programs to support your recovery after discharge
  • Your psychiatrist may discuss post-discharge follow up appointments or refer you back to your doctor
  • Our Nursing and Allied Health staff will assist with identifying services you may need
  • Your inpatient program facilitator will also discuss preparing for discharge, with practical information on discharge planning and relapse prevention 

The day of your hospital discharge  

Please plan with a carer or family member/friend for transport home. 

We request you vacate your room by 10:00AM to allow us to prepare for our next patients. We have secure luggage storage should you need to remain for attendance to a group program.  

Before you leave, please check with your nurse to collect any required medications and/or prescriptions. You will need to confirm any follow-up appointments scheduled. You must also report to reception during office hours to finalise any outstanding accounts you may have.

Once you have been discharged from our hospital, we will advise your referring doctor.  

What happens after your hospital discharge

Our support for you does not stop as soon as you are discharged from our hospital. Once you have been discharged from hospital there are touchpoints and follow-up care options available to you.

We will be in contact to confirm how you are progressing and if your circumstances have changed. 

Your feedback about your hospital admission

After discharge you will be sent a copy of our Patient Experience Survey to provide your valuable feedback to our hospital.  

We always welcome any opportunity to recognise what we are doing well, celebrate staff who are making a positive impact while also collecting feedback on what we can do to improve our service overall for patients and visitors.  

Outpatient appointments

Please attend any outpatient appointments arranged with your psychiatrist following your discharge.

Day Programs

To encourage progress on your recovery, we recommend attending our day therapy programs to continue building on and strengthening skills gained from your previous stays and treatments. The use of our day programs can help the instance of readmission to our hospital. Contact your psychiatrist to discuss suitable day programs for you or visit Day Patient Guide for more information  

Acute community service

Another option as part of your discharge plan is referral by your psychiatrist to our Acute Community Service. This service can offer the following at-home support:

  • Psycho-education
  • Relapse prevention
  • Managing symptoms and medication
  • Exposure therapy
  • Brief therapeutic interventions
  • Occupational therapy assessment for the home
  • Exercise physiology transition of hospital exercise plan to the community
  • Social work assistance with financial, legal and housing issues
  • Vocational support
  • Community engagement


Adjusting to daily life after hospital admission can be challenging. In the event of a relapse and if you are struggling to cope, contact your treating Psychiatrist or call our Admissions and Assessment team on 1800 700 274 to discuss how we can best support you.  

If it is an emergency or you feel unsafe, call 000 or present to your nearest Emergency Department for immediate assistance.