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Blue Knot Foundation’s Official 2019 Practice Guidelines Launch at Belmont Private Hospital

On Thursday 31st October, Australia’s National Centre of Excellence for Complex Trauma, Blue Knot Foundation launched its new Practice Guidelines for Clinical Treatment of Complex Trauma, hosted and supported by Healthe Care Australia’s Belmont Private Hospital.

With over 30 dignitaries, past and present TDU patients and staff members in attendance, the exclusive launch event was held at the Hospital to coincide with Blue Knot Week and the end of Mental Health Month.

The newly launched Guidelines will revolutionise informed trauma-specific responses to the growing complex trauma crisis in Australia and guide diverse practitioners and agencies on how to identify and appropriately treat complex trauma.

Evolving research and clinical insights, as well as the continuing challenges of treating the multifaceted syndrome described as `complex’ trauma, mean that the original 2012 Blue Knot guidelines require updating. The new evidence-based practice guidelines reflect the continuing and rapidly evolving terrain of research and clinical treatment in relation to complex trauma and dissociation. The updated and expanded clinical guidelines include substantial additions to the underpinning research base in a number of areas:

  • the nature of complex trauma
  • dissociation and the related clinical challenges
  • phased therapy in the context of current debates
  • `new’ and emerging treatment approaches
  • issues with respect to `evidence-based’ treatment

Pictured: Professor Warwick Middleton, Belmont Private Hospital CEO Mary Williams, Dr Cathy Kezelman Blue Knot Foundation and Bob Atkinson Brisbane Royal Commissioner

The Guidelines will give greater prominence and consideration to adults with complex trauma and further educate the therapeutic community about the particular needs of people who have experienced complex trauma (as opposed to single incident trauma).

Belmont Private Hospital CEO, Mary Williams says, ‘the launch of the new guidelines is a significant milestone, to continue to provide evidence-based treatment for Australians living with the impact of complex trauma.’

“As one of few private services in Australia that offer specialist treatment for trauma dissociative disorders, and Queensland’s only provider on private inpatient treatment, the Guidelines are a valuable resource for our specialised team of clinicians treating this very specific patient cohort – now and into the future.”

Pictured: Brisbane Royal Commissioner; Bob Atkinson

Thank you to our wonderful key note speakers, Dr Cathy Kezelman from the Blue Knot Foundation, Bob Atkinson; Brisbane’s Royal Commissioner and our very own Professor Warwick Middleton from Belmont Private Hospital. Thank you must also be extended to those in attendance from our Trauma and Dissociative Unit (TDU). It was a privilege to have so many with a lived experience of complex trauma attend the launch of the new guidelines and we hope you all had a memorable and informative morning.

We regularly host education and information events for health professionals, as well as community based events.

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